Health Education in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Short Note

Health Education for a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis at the time of discharge.


Teach Self-Care
Instruct the patient and family about infection control procedures :-
Proper disposal of tissues
Covering the mouth during coughing
Hand hygiene
Ask the patient to  follow medication regimen strictly to prevent the development of resistant strains of TB
If the patient's ability to comply with the medication regimen the patient may take medication under direct supervision  of an outpatient clinic daily (Directly Observed Therapy)
Ask the patient's direct contacts to get screening done
Teach to  report any adverse effects of the medicine and get remeidies and if needed get the regimen modified
Should consume nutritious and adequate diet
Instruct to keep scheduled appointments with the primary health care provider
Ask the patient to do breathing exercises
Teach to follow hygienic methods in all the activities at home

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